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Important Facts About HVAC Maintenance


Your HVAC System Needs A Little Care To Do Its Job Well

As a homeowner, have you ever found yourself waking up to discover that your heater or air conditioner wasn’t doing its job? When something like that occurs, you undoubtedly find yourself wondering whether there was anything you could have done differently to avoid the problem from happening. In response to your question, there are ways to prevent issues with either your heating or cooling system. 

This is where HVAC maintenance comes in. It is essential to regularly have your HVAC system serviced by a professional to avoid any problems in ensuring a pleasant indoor environment in your house throughout the year. If you’re looking for an HVAC maintenance plan here in Bluffton, SC, then R.S. Andrews is here to help. So read on as we discuss some interesting facts about HVAC maintenance and give us a call at (843) 474-6701 !

What Exactly Is HVAC Maintenance?

In the context of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), maintenance refers to keeping the heater or air conditioner in working order by checking, cleaning, testing, and even repairing and replacing various components of the system. If you invest in maintenance for your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, you may correct problems before they become more serious. However, you need to know a few facts regarding the maintenance of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system to stay informed.

Why Is It Necessary For You To Have HVAC Maintenance Performed?

What if, for a very little outlay of cash, you could improve the quality of the air you breathe, the safety and comfort of your Bluffton home in South Carolina? On the other hand, this is only a condensed version of the many advantages of scheduling routine HVAC maintenance. Now, let's go further into why HVAC maintenance is essential in and around Bluffton, SC.

Spend Less Cash

First and foremost, you should know that regular maintenance may help you save money. You may reduce the likelihood of needing repairs or replacement services and save money by maintaining your HVAC systems on a semi-annual basis. You should also be aware that this makes your heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system more energy-efficient. When the pieces in your system are unclean or worn out, they might force your system to work harder than it should. However, with the help of regular HVAC maintenance, homeowners can have their systems in good repair. If not, it can increase the amount of energy used and increase the cost of consuming energy, causing you to overpay the power and gas companies.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Every day, we live unaware that we share our houses with some compounds whose vapors we would prefer not to inhale. These typical indoor allergens include pet dander, VOCs like methylene chloride or formaldehyde, dust mites, cigarette smoke, mold, pollen, and mold spores. Common home dust, which may consist of hundreds of respiratory disorders, is also included. If you smell anything musty and are afraid that it could be mold, it might be time to think about having a specialist clean the air ducts in your home to improve the indoor air quality. In general, HVAC maintenance helps to guarantee that the air pumped through your vents, whether it be warm or cold air, is as clean and well-filtered as possible.

Be More Comfortable

You rely on your heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system to keep you comfy throughout the year. Your system will be able to generate the warm or cold air more evenly and consistently if you do routine maintenance on it. In addition to this, it lessens the likelihood that you may get home from work one winter's day to discover that your vents are blowing out icy air.

Keep Your House Safer

Approximately 50,000 people in the U.S. visit the emergency room each year due to accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. The cause of a lot of the poisoning comes from cracked or rusted heat exchangers, disconnected flue pipes, rusted out flue pipes, plugged up or collapsed flue pipes and during a routing fall maintenance, these items are looked at as part of the safety inspection. A specialist in heating, ventilation and air conditioning will also be able to discuss with you the need to have a carbon monoxide detector installed in your home.

An Increased Sense Of Calm

Lastly, investing in a maintenance plan for your HVAC provides you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that if anything does go wrong, you have already taken measures to ensure that the resulting discomfort is minimized to the greatest extent possible.

What Kind Of Maintenance Is Required For An HVAC System?

Bluffton homeowners can do the maintenance on their heater and air conditioner on a biannual basis; however, hiring a professional and insured HVAC expert to perform the maintenance will guarantee that it is performed correctly. So, what exactly does it entail to maintain the HVAC system? To ensure that every component of the heating and cooling system is in working order, there is a maintenance index for HVAC systems that you or your HVAC specialist should go through.

Cleaning: Since most HVAC systems are air to air systems, the evaporator and condenser coils need to be free of dirt and debris to efficiently remove heat from your home, during spring maintenance the condenser coil will be rinsed out and the evaporator checked, sometimes a chemical cleaning is needed. The A/C drain lines will be flushed out to keep the drains from backing up and causing water damage to the home. The filter will be checked, replaced, or cleaned depending on the type. During the fall maintenance if you have a heat pump, the condenser will be rinsed again. The filter taken care of and gas furnaces get flame sensors cleaned. 

Inspection: The HVAC specialist will look at many different parts of the heating and cooling unit when it comes to inspections this can be up to 30 points of inspection based on system design. It is also essential to check the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment to determine whether it is operating efficiently and safely as designed. 

Replacement: Replacing a few parts when doing routine maintenance is possible. While the air filter will need to be changed once a month to once a year depending on style, the carbon monoxide detector's and thermostats batteries will need to be changed once a year. There are specific components, like capacitors and relays, that get worn out faster, so you may need to replace them. The technician will also determine the age of your equipment and advise you on when the equipment is at its end of life so you can plan for a future update.

Is HVAC Maintenance Worth It?

People often inquire about whether or not HVAC maintenance is required and worthwhile, and the answer is yes. Maintenance of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is essential for various reasons, one of the most significant of which is that it helps your system last longer. Lack of regular maintenance may shorten the lifespan of your HVAC system, just like your car, these are machines that need regular service. Receiving maintenance will guarantee that it operates for the maximum time feasible. Also, HVAC maintenance may cut your utility expenses, save you money on your energy bill, improve the air quality inside your home, help your HVAC system function more smoothly, and prevent the need for repairs. These benefits are critical to an HVAC user, so regular maintenance is necessary.

Your Trusted HVAC Maintenance Experts In Bluffton, SC

Call R.S. Andrews Heating & Cooling services for all of your HVAC needs! We’re confident that you’ll love out customer service and expertise to get the job done. When you need HVAC maintenance you can trust, get in touch with us at (843) 474-6701 today!

The post Important Facts About HVAC Maintenance appeared first on RS Andrews Services.
