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4 Ways To Save On Your South Carolina Home’s Energy Bills This Summer


4 Ways To Save On Your South Carolina Home’s Energy Bills This Summer

These Helpful Tips Will Keep Money In Your Pocket Without Sacrificing Comfort

As much as summer is a time for vacations, family gatherings and other sun-drenched memories, one thing that’s not as enjoyable is what the blazing Carolina weather can do to your monthly power bill. There’s no reason to toss away money you don’t have to, so we’ve put together this handy list of hints that can help keep your costs down without giving up any of the cool comfort you need to beat the heat.

friends grilling

1. Find The Right Temperature

It’s tempting to crank your AC down a long way when it’s scorching outside, but doing so will cause it to run harder, and longer - and since daytime hours are peak power usage times, your bill can skyrocket. You’d be surprised how high you can set your thermostat and still feel comfortable inside. Experiment with different settings to find the highest temperature you’re good with, and leave it set there so you don’t use more power than necessary.

2. Avoid Unnecessary Heat Sources

There are many activities you do inside your home that can cause extra heat to build up. Cooking with the stove, taking a hot shower, drying your clothes or really anything involving electrical appliances can do it. Extra heat equals extra air conditioning - so if possible, try and do these activities in the evening hours when things have already started to cool down. That will help keep daytime temperatures inside your home down, and also let you take advantage of off-peak power.

3. Keep Your System In Optimal Shape

The better condition your air conditioner is in, the more efficiently it can operate. At the very least, you need to regularly check your AC filters and replace them if necessary; at minimum, they should be replaced every three months. But that’s only a small part of your system’s overall health. Having regularly scheduled maintenance performed on your unit is also vital to keeping your costs down, as a professional is equipped to catch even minor issues that might be cutting into your AC’s efficiency.

4. Take Advantage Of Ceiling Fans

Whether you already have fans or need to have some installed, they can have a big impact on your power bill. Sometimes part of your home may feel warmer than you think it should purely because there’s not enough circulation to get the cold air to it. You might turn the AC down lower to try and compensate without actually fixing the problem. Ceiling fans work to circulate air throughout your home, and can ensure your cooled air gets where it needs to be.

You Should Enjoy Summer, Not Dread It

These simple steps can go a long way to helping you live it up this summer without the stress of exorbitant power bills. As always, if you never need any help with your heating or air conditioning service, R.S. Andrews is here to help. Send us a message online or give us a call at (843) 474-6701 - we’re here when you need us!

The post 4 Ways To Save On Your South Carolina Home’s Energy Bills This Summer appeared first on RS Andrews Services.
